
Just because water is drinkable doesn’t mean it’s pure. In fact, you might be surprised at all the chemicals in the water that flows from your faucets. Even if you get your water from a municipal water supply, you could wind up ingesting a lot of unwanted contaminants. 

That’s why so many people take water treatment into their own hands.

但这些化学物质真的有害吗? Should you worry about quenching your thirst with a tall drink of water from the tap? 

Chemicals in Water: What Could Be in Your Drinking Supply

Below are a few of the topwater chemicals reported across the nation. Remember that they’re not part of the basic water chemical formula of H2O (two hydrogen molecules bond with one oxygen molecule). These are additional chemicals that you might not want in your body:


For many generations, fluoride has been added as a supplement to municipally treated water. This is because fluoride is known to help reduce tooth decay. 然而, some children and adults have experienced unwanted side effects to drinking water enhanced by fluoride, 比如牙齿转动 褐色.

Like fluoride, ammonia is frequently used as an additive in drinking water. 为什么? 氨可以清洁和消毒水. Though small amounts of ammonia are said to cause no problems for humans, high levels of ammonia make water uninhabitable for aquatic life. 在大量的情况下, 氨是一种刺激物, leading to eye and skin itchiness and burning, and long-term consumption of water containing more than 1 mg/ppm of ammonia can wreak havoc on internal organ systems in human bodies. High ammonia levels can also make water taste unpleasant.


Most municipalities do their best to remove all lead from the water supply. Nevertheless, lead can sneak into your drinking water in other ways. For example, older homes may have lead pipes. Consequently, the lead can leach into the water that you use for drinking and cooking. 引领 is quite dangerous in terms of chemical water pollution because it has been linked to cognitive and physiological delays and disorders in children.

自然产生的元素, mercury should not be taken into the body due to the risk of long-term mercury poisoning. Fortunately, most municipal authorities do their best to eliminate most of the mercury in your water. Yet some may be present as part of a host of water chemicals, particularly if you tap into a well.

How Can You Know the Water Chemicals in Your Water?

The aforementioned chemicals in water are just a few of the many that may be “hiding” in your next tall glass of H2O. Others can include anything from chloramine and copper to bacteria and viruses. 最重要的是, you should know that you can’t always tell whether your water contains chemicals you’d rather not drink. But you may have a few indications that it’s time to call a water purification company.

For example, as the Environmental Protection Agency notes, water filled with chemicals can 呈现出不寻常的颜色、气味或味道. Any odd physical attribute of your water is a reason to get it checked out. It’s worth noting that many people who end up installing water treatment equipment in their homes do so because they can’t stand the sulfur smell from their faucets and drains.

How to Deal With Unwanted Water Chemicals

What should you do if you suspect that you have water chemicals that you want to remove? First, work with a company to test your tap water. RainSoft offers free water tests to determine whether you are facing serious chemical water pollution. All you have to do is schedule your free water test online, and RainSoft will contact you to set up a fast, 简单的约会.

下一个, if your test results make you feel uncomfortable, think about investing in a water treatment system. There’s a system for every lifestyle and budget. You’ll feel better about serving water to your family and pets. You’ll also know that your water is as pure as possible.

最重要的是, know that you don’t have to live with unwanted or hazardous chemicals in your water. Instead of dealing with water that doesn’t taste right, 散发出一种奇怪的气味, damages your pipes and water-using appliances, 在你的衣服上留下污渍, 或者让你感到身体不适, take charge of your health and happiness now. One call to RainSoft can solve your water chemical problems — reach out today!